Medical Translations:
English to German
I translate to uphold the nuances and integrity essential to medical communication.

A Passion for Language Precision
As a dedicated medical translator, I offer services designed to meet the unique needs of patients, individual healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical entities. My focus is on providing precise, human-focused translations that ensure clarity and compliance with medical standards.
Life Sciences
I translate Scientific Content. Result Driven, Evidence Based.
Patient notes
I translate your Personal Healthcare Records.
I Have Been Translating English to German Medical Content for the Last Seven Years.
I offer my translation expertise in the fields of clinical, academical and industrial medicine.
Project Management
I manage teams and Lead Projects for end Clients.
Stylistic Solutions
Every translation is crafted to meet the nuanced demands of the target audience
An Array of Services
My medical translation services cater to a broad range of clients, from healthcare professionals to global pharmaceutical firms
Personal Profile
- Trained Physician
- a Flair for Languages
- Scientific Mindset
- Evidence Based Approach

Translation Services
- Patient Notes: German into English
- Medical Text: English/French into German
- Life Sciences
“A true medical translator needs to understand the medical topic and apply clinical reasoning.”

Ollie Thalmann
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